Are you longing to share
the Hope that is in you?
Allow me...
to take what God planted in your heart and place it in your hand and around your neck.
Purchase a ready-to-order handcrafted original piece of Jewelry by Bobbie.
Or co-create a one-of-a-Kind Custom handcrafted original piece of Jewelry with Bobbie.

Encouraging Words
Three Facets of what I do

It is a common practice to choose a word for the year or a season of time.
Our thoughts, words, actions, and even our emotions are transformed as we consistently remind ourselves and testify to others about how Jesus has changed us and our circumstances.
My jewelry is handcrafted with inspired words and symbols to adorn people with their affirmations.

It is my great pleasure to help people celebrate and remember their victories in God’s presence. By taking what God has placed in their hearts and putting it into their hands in the form of beautiful handcrafted custom jewelry.
Having this reminder with them they can be encouraged and easily share the Hope that is in them.

I am passionate about God’s Word. The closer I walk “With Him” the more I want to share Him with others.
I invite young women into my studio to create an “HonorRing”. Together we create a reminder in the form of a ring to honor God, Parents, and self.
The Hebrew Word Sh’ma says it best: “Hear, Declare, and Obey.” Deuteronomy 6:4